Album Review
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Charcoal Grace
Caligula's Horse
"Charcoal Grace" is a formidable release, featuring an array of excellent tracks, notably the "Charcoal Grace" suite and "Mute." It arguably ranks among the band's finest work in terms of songwriting.
However...the overall sound quality appears somewhat compromised, presenting a muddy texture that I think stems from more than just the band's frequent use of distorted guitars. This results in a sonically dull and unclear listening experience throughout much of the album, at least for me. I'd be curious to read comments from what others are hearing?
As is characteristic of Caligula's Horse, the intricate soundscapes pose a significant challenge for the mixing and mastering engineers. It's unfortunate, as for me, this aspect detracts from the album's overall listenability, preventing it from achieving the full 5 Stars.
Despite this critique, the album is highly recommended. Its merits far outweigh its sonic shortcomings, making it a noteworthy addition to their discography.
4.5 Stars